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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Furminator

It took me a while, and countless evenings trawling through reviews on the internet, before I finally succumbed to the lure of The Furminator.

There are many positive and negative reviews out there, but I decided to bite the bullet and buy one on the internet to see if it actually works.

The day it arrived I was eager to try it out, and Tora actually seemed to enjoy it for a while. Following on from advice given to me before my purchase, I recommend using it once a week for about 10-15mins depending on the length of your cats fur. 

Please check before purchasing if your cat has an undercoat. If they do not then it is probably best to find an alternative to the Furminator. (Siamese, Burmese and Tonkinese cats have no undercoat, so they tend to not shed so much)

The furminator works by removing the fur which would usually be shed. This reduces the effects of shedding on your home, and helps reduce hairballs which can be a problem for many cats. It can take a while to see the results, but I have seen and heard great things, and I am already starting to see an improvement around my home.

If you have any experiences or thoughts on the Furminator please share them below in the comments section.

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